
Accessibility statement of the website

This accessibility statement applies to the Finna online library of Ratamo libraries and it was created on 22 October 2021.

The accessibility status of the digital service

The website meets the critical accessibility requirements.

Did you notice an accessibility deficiency in our digital service?

By online form

Leave accessibility feedback on this online form. Select accessibility as the topic of feedback.

You can also provide feedback by email or phone.

  • Hausjärvi: hausjarven.kirjasto(a), p. 019 758 6791
  • Hyvinkää: kirjasto(a), p. 040 155 6393
  • Loppi: loppi.kirjasto(a), p. 019 758 6320
  • Nurmijärvi: kirjasto(a) 040 317 2500
  • Riihimäki: kirjasto(a), p. 019 758 467

Supervisory authority

If you notice accessibility issues on the website, first leave your feedback with us, the administrators of the website. It may take up to 14 days to receive an answer from us. Should you not be satisfied with the answer or you do not receive an answer from us within two weeks, you may file a complaint with the Regional State Administrative Agency for Southern Finland. The agency website has detailed instructions (in Finnish and Swedish only) on how to file a complaint and how the issue will be handled.

Contact information of the supervisory authority

Regional State Administrative Agency for Southern Finland
Accessibility supervision unit
phone 0295 016 000 (switchboard)